Thursday, September 20, 2012

megan - A Very Terrible Father

MATTI: There are so many terrible things I must do on this trip. 

LILLI: I know. 

MATTI: But we will take as much time for your happiness as we can. 

LILLI: Will you be happy too?

Sometimes when I explain the premise of A Very Terrible Father to people, their initial reaction is "well that's depressing." On its face, it is: two characters dying of cancer, an abandoned mother and child ... The character I play is one of the dying Germans and the pain and sadness she feels do frighten me as an actor. But one of the things I admire about Lilli is her ability to be actually happy.

A kiss or a theme park ride is enough to put a huge smile on Lilli's face. Her body is failing, but a cartoon in a language she doesn't understand makes her completely content. She doesn't try to ignore her imminent death or escape her pain but she can share a bowl of ice cream and, in that moment, be simply and truly happy. I think that's beautiful.


"I hated you, I hated you for so long until I realized, it was not you that I hated, but me."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Opens this Friday. "I've been a massage therapist for fifteen years, dude, so not only can I dislocate your fingers, but I can make them feel really good right up until they dislocate."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

anna - Season 11 Auditions

Dream Theatre Company will be holding auditions for Season 11: Theatre of Women, Peter Pan's Shadow Part 3: Foreverland, Lights Out Everybody: Tribute to Arch Oboler & The Tragedy of Amleth Princess of Denmark

Directors: Jeremy Menekseoglu, Anna Menekseoglu & Giau Truong

Auditions: 6pm – 9pm on 9/24-9/27
at Dream Theatre: 556 W. 18th St., Chicago

Seeking all types over age 18. Prepare a short monologue (under 2 minutes) of any style. Looking for extremes: comedy, melodrama, mime, Brechtian, Chekovian, musical, clown, etc.

Please send resume and recent snapshot or photo to Please specify what date and time you would like to audition.

See the Submit section of our website for script samples, description, and more information.